Chrome City’s 2023 Fall Favorites

From favorite fall activities that bring joy to our weekends to the things that make us fall in love with this season over and over again. Join us in exploring Chrome City’s fall favorites. 

Favorite fall activity

When San Diego’s version of fall arrives, we do everything possible to pretend it’s not still 80 degrees, like divulging in fall activities. Alex's ideal way to embrace the season includes cozy movie nights with the Palosanto candle from Pigment or seeing the weather change at Mission Trails.  Jenna, on the other hand, can't resist the allure of a day trip to Julian for apple picking and indulging in apple pie from Julian Pie Company. For Julissa, it's all about celebrating Dia De Los Muertos in Old Town at their festival with a nightcap at Tahona. 

Favorite seasonal item

At Chrome City, various favorite seasonal items define our love for autumn. Alex revels in the comforting warmth of cleansing soups from Saffron and the soothing aroma of essential oils from Saje.  Jenna's star of the season is fall-colored nails from Kensington Nail Salon, like a dark burgundy or brown, and the pumpkin muffin from James Coffee Co. Meanwhile, Julissa's taste buds come alive with the arrival of Bivouac’s Pumpkin Spice Cider. She can't resist the temptation of a bowl of hot ramen from Underbelly, which adds a dash of warm comfort to her autumn days.

As we savor our fall favorites, whether it's the cozy moments spent at home or the delectable seasonal treats, one thing is clear – autumn is a time of cherished traditions and heartwarming experiences.


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